201 Constitution Ave, Brooklyn MI 49230 Telephone:(517)592-4657 Email: mail@cornerstonebrooklyn.org

To Praise and Worship Him / To Know His Word

To Praise and Worship Him

Worship Planning Team
Meets periodically to discuss the worship calendar and plan services that reflect various themes and emphases for the year. All aspects and the flow of services are discussed to aid the congregation in their worship of our Lord.
Praise Team Singers
Meet weekly to rehearse music for services and work on new songs for introduction to the congregation. The praise team is made of several units that rotate on a monthly basis throughout the year. A strong commitment to music, team singing, rehearsal and leading others in worship is needed for this ministry.
Praise Team Musicians
Meet weekly to rehearse instrumental music for the worship services. Most instrumentalists play weekly; some areas have multiple musicians and can rotate their involvement. A strong commitment to appropriate musical expression, teamwork, rehearsal and creating music conducive to corporate worship is needed for this ministry.
Technical Team
Responsible for the audio/video portions of the worship services and other segments of the service utilizing multi-media. Good technical skills for computer, soundboard, lighting and sound reinforcement are helpful. An understanding of musical balance and flow of worship also are useful skills for this fast-paced ministry.
Meet weekly to rehearse vocal music for upcoming services and special events. Ability to read music and parts is useful. The choir seeks to encourage and uplift through the presentation of songs of worship in a spirit of excellence. Commitment to rehearsal, personal practice and team ministry is needed for this ministry. Special outreach events will require time commitment to various performance dates throughout the year.
Hand Bells
Hand bells meet to rehearse special music and seasonal pieces for worship services and outreach events. Music reading, rhythm proficiency, and the ability to work toward precision and expression as a team are needful skills for this unique ministry.
Communion Assistants
Observing the Lord’s Supper is an ordinance of the church that requires our heart-felt observance. Care for the preparation and display of the Table elements is a ministry that requires faithfulness and attention to detail. Care and storage of the accompanying linens and vessels is also part of this ministry.
Worship Center Assistants
The care, cleaning, order and décor of the worship area is a ministry that reflects our care and love for our Lord. Taste and the appropriateness of weekly and seasonal displays are greatly appreciated by the congregation and enhance our worship experience. A careful eye, commitment to time each week for ongoing maintenance, and the desire to create a space that adds and does not detract from our worship are useful skills for this very visible ministry.
Baptismal Assistants
In our body life, we have opportunity for baptisms at scheduled times throughout the year. Baptismal candidates, elders and the pastoral staff need assistants to prepare the baptistery and help with the ordinance in practical ways. From towels, to dressing areas, to clean up, this is a practical behind-the-scenes ministry that is a labor of love for the church body and our Lord.
Worship Greeters
The first impression we make upon a guest entering our facility is lasting. Greeters function as the “first contact” and assist our guests in every way to provide them with needful information, introductions, and above all, a welcome that is genuine and heartfelt. This ministry is for those who are at ease with newcomers and have a burden to put our guests at ease and help them connect with the Cornerstone body.
Homebound Worship / Communion Team
This weekly ministry visits those who because of illness or frailty are unable to attend regular services with the body that is Cornerstone. This team takes the body to the hurting one, providing resources, prayer, communion, and fellowship. This is for those with gifts of mercy, and for those who have discernment to minister where the needs really are.

To Know His Word

Christian Education
Age or interest appropriate classes are conducted as part of our ongoing commission to train up disciples of the Lord Jesus. Many classes (especially for graded youth) take place on Sundays as part of our schedule. Other classes meet throughout the week. Teachers, assistants, and substitutes for these groups are men and women who are committed to Biblical inerrancy, systematic teaching, practical application, and the preservation of the unity of the body of believers. All of our CE workers are in agreement with our church constitution, articles of faith and distinctives, and have been screened and approved for working with our youth where applicable.
Our worship services hinge upon the reading and teaching of God’s Word. Our fellowship meets for regular services to exhort and encourage one another with the Word. Our worship of Him flows from our understanding of Him by His Word.
Junior Church
Another aspect of our training for our youth is the children’s church ministry. Youth through the 5th grade are instructed in age-appropriate lessons and hands-on activities. This takes place concurrently with the adult morning worship service. The CE ministers for this important arena meet the same requirements as described above for all CE workers.
Midweek BLC
Since the fall of 2002, Cornerstone has had the opportunity to conduct a Bible fellowship with our neighbors at the Brooklyn Living Center. This ministry incorporates music, the Word and a dessert fellowship once a week in the early evening. Many of the Cornerstone family join in for this time of worship and fellowship. Spiritual Emphasis Retreat Once a year, the CE Team offers an adult spiritual retreat workshop. This weekend is a time of focused and uninterrupted growth centered on various topics surrounding our lives as believers.
Baptismal Classes
Regularly scheduled classes are offered for those who desire to learn about this important step of faith and public witness. Candidates for baptism usually continue through their baptism into the new member classes.
New Member Exploration / Orientation Class
Participants learn what membership in Cornerstone Community Church is about. Our constitution, articles of faith and distinctives are all examined, and an emphasis of serving within the body is addressed as well.