201 Constitution Ave, Brooklyn MI 49230 Telephone:(517)592-4657 Email: mail@cornerstonebrooklyn.org

To Bring the Body of Christ to the World

To Bring Christ’s Body to the World

Food Pantry Team
This team works to educate and inform the congregation and community concerning our local food pantry. In addition to the ingathering of supplies for the pantry, this team volunteers on site at the pantry with many other volunteers from area congregations and organizations.
Missionary Team
This team meets regularly to oversee CCC’s involvement with the missions families it supports. Correspondence, support issues, hosting, conferences, and practical helps including short-term trip planning are part of this team’s focus. The team reports to the church and encourages missions endeavors and giving through its communications and ministry within the body.
Welcome Team
Worship greeters are one part of this team that strives to put a face to Cornerstone for all our guests. Distributing information, planning advertising, providing practical guest assistance pre and post service, along with brief home visit follow-ups are just a part of this team’s responsibilities to ensure our message, “We’re glad you’ve chosen to be our guest!”
“After Hours” Team
At the conclusion of the main service, this group provides the pastoral team with refreshments and a quiet space to meet for a few minutes with our worship guests. This team ensures that our priority—existing for those we’ve never met—is lived out in a practical way by making this meeting time enjoyable and intentional.
Community Presence Team
This team works as part of the Evangelism/Outreach team to specifically target our “presence” ministries within the community. They will coordinate with other teams and individuals to facilitate our involvement in community-focused outreach. This team will oversee events “on the square”, conduct service ministries on the side streets, or plan open door events such as concerts or festivals as our vision grows.
School Involvement Team
This group will specifically target the practical needs of our area schools that we have an open door to minister in. In addition to opportunities for gospel outreach, this team will seek to coordinate practical helps for the schools and students in areas of tutoring, student supplies, and volunteer helps.
Sports Teams
These seasonal teams offer fellowship and outreach through involvement in sports with a Christian ethic.