201 Constitution Ave, Brooklyn MI 49230 Telephone:(517)592-4657 Email: mail@cornerstonebrooklyn.org

To Serve the Body of Christ

To Serve the Body of Christ

Helps Team
Meet together to supply practical helps for those experiencing short or long term needs. This team is composed of those with willing hearts and hands capable of ministering to both physical and spiritual needs. Shut-ins, medically frail, homebound convalescents, and others with struggles to maintain homes and outlook are cared for by this traveling team.
Funeral Ministry Team
Supplying support during the hard times of the death of a loved one, this team helps to nurture families with practical assistance, service-day ministries for meals and gatherings, and follow-up care for those struggling with loss.
Wedding/Event Team
A vital ministry of Cornerstone is the managed use of the church property for weddings, receptions, and other community-based events. This management takes a skilled team that can assist with planning and supervision for these times. This team oversees that the policies of CCC in regard to these events are adhered to, and that the participants have a positive experience while utilizing our campus for their event.
Prayer Net Team
Cornerstone links together via phone or e-mail to send prayer requests to all who will take the time to pray. This ministry takes seriously the call to pray for one another.
Stewardship / Finance Team
This group administrates the financial aspects of the church. The budget is developed and weekly accounting is maintained. The team issues financial reports and strives to communicate the importance of sound financial planning on an individual, familial, and church-body levels. Seminars in budgeting, stewardship, and related financial topics are offered by this team.
Nursery Team
One of the finest ministries we offer is the care for the youngest within our church family. This team is screened and trained, trustworthy and competent to exude the Love of Christ to each one within their care.
Property Team
Church property and its upkeep is the focus of this hands-on team. From routine maintenance and scheduled service, to forecasting renovation or tackling emergency needs, the property team is determined to present excellence in the building and grounds that make up our church home.
New Member Sponsors
This team works with our Membership Class to provide a connection point for those new to fellowship at Cornerstone. These individuals work to connect new members in community, help them in their spiritual growth, and encourage them in their discovery of areas of personal ministry within the body.